Update – March 24, 2014 (21 days to Race Day)
As I sit here writing my this training update fresh off an early five mile run, I am coming to grips with the fact that I am not yet ready for the Rock ‘n’ Roll Raleigh half marathon that is just three weeks away. Fortunately I am only doing the half marathon and not the full 26.2, but I am not as prepared as I would like to be by this point. I am not discouraged however. This is not my first half marathon and it will not be my last. I know I will be able to finish in under two hours and run injury free, but I need to let go the notion that a personal record (PR) is not within reach at this race. I’m ok with that. This is my first race of 2014 and I am going to have fun with it and use it to propel me into what I plan to make a great spring and summer of running.
Recent Training
The Triangle weather has been all over the map this winter. One day it is a mild 50 degrees and sunny, the next it is 29 and spewing freezing rain. I am a fair weather runner and I let this affect my training sometimes skipping days when it was just “too cold” to run. I’d get a few miles in on the treadmill, but usually no more than 3 miles at a time. Now that I am in the home stretch I am committed to running four times a week no matter what the weather and making the regular runs 4 to 6 miles. My most recent long run was 9 miles and I am confident I can build up to 11 miles a week before the race and be able to taper into race day with rested legs. I am excited to race in the inaugeral Rock-n-Roll Raleigh race and think this race is just what I needed to kickstart my weekly running regime, albeit a bit later than I planned in the new year.
Looking Ahead
It is actually a bit of a relief to know a PR is out of reach. It provides me the luxury the opportunity to take in the full race day experience. I will be relaxed and can take in the sights and sounds of race day. If there was ever a race to enjoy it is this one with the many cool bands that will be set up along the course. I am also planning to carry a small camera with me as I run and will snap some shots during the race to share in a post race recap here on the blog. I may not be as prepared as I had hoped, but I am still very excited to be participating in this race and am looking forward to warmer weather and a great year of running!
The Rock ‘n’ Roll Raleigh Marathon & Half Marathon is Sunday April 13, 2014. Even if you aren’t planning to race it is sure to be a great event to watch and cheer on the racers. For more information about the race and race day entertainment visit the official website here.